Did you know there is a Museum of Failed Products?

While assembling the largest collection of supermarket products, marketer Robert McNath realised that it was becoming almost exclusively a collection of failed products.

Even with our best intention, hard work and passion, products don’t always sell.

But we don’t like to keep track of our failures.

We want to ignore what didn’t work.

But this isn’t always the solution.

It can help to keep track of what doesn’t work so as to avoid repetition.

We learn from our mistakes.

Mistakes provide material for growth and innovation.

Mistakes are at the heart of innovation.

We see life is an experiment.

We learn from each other’s experiences.

Hypha collates these experiences and shares knowledge. It brings separate parts together. Helping you to see what works, and what doesn’t.

Hypha makes the most of mistakes and missed opportunities. It fills in the gaps and provides you with a new way of seeing the way in which you work.

This is a practical, simple and powerful tool for unifying your business.